Sunday, January 9, 2011

450+ New Origami Designs And Videos Guides!

I have just been shown a fantastic origami site with over 100 basic origami
templates, 250 intermediate origami templates and 100 advanced origami
templates that you can either download individually or download as a package.


When you download them you will also get a comprehensive guide to
help you  make all types of origami models. The whole program is designed
to help you make the most advanced origami models and reviews all the
key concepts that will allow you to create origami masterpieces.

This program provides practical and effective origami tips and tricks to
start putting the fun back in your hobbies.

Make sure to send us in some of your photos of what you make for the rest
of the group to see.

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Learn how to make the money origami rose

Moneygami / Orikane